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All questions are answered by U.S. based licensed and experienced insurance professionals.

Q:How to insure new born kid I have come to US on L1 and am covered under group insurance by the company. My wife has also come with me on L2. Her name is also added under group insurance and I have to pay to my company some mothly premium for her. My wife is pregnant. Her delivery and labor charges are covered under group insurance. I want to know once the kid will be delivered, can I add kids name in the group insurance. How are kids generally insured. I will be taking my kid to pediatrician after the delivery, can I insure my kid for the charges of such visit to pediatrician. I may go back with my kid in September. My wife deliverey date is in May. How can i insure my kid for this period. Please help me on the same

If the parent is covered under the group health insurance plan and if the maternity is covered, generally the child is covered automatically up to 30 days. Meanwhile, you have to add the child under the group insurance and most insurance plans would allow that. Check with your employer for the exact procedure.

Q:Which insurance plan to buy My mother is visting to US from India on B2 for 4 months. She is 56 years old. She is having a High BP. As such her health conditions are good and she had no problem in the past. I want to medically secure her. I want a plan with coverage of $ 50000. 1)I want a plan where there is no restrictions on the hospitalization or physician visits or miscellenous charges ( like 800 $ per day, 400$ for visit during the period). Is there any such plan where I be the copayee of say 10 or 20 percent and rest is completly paid by Insurance company upto 50000$ if in case she is medically treated irrespective of the type of medical expenses. 2) What is the difference between comprehensive plan and limited coverage plan. What does the two mean. I just want a plan for medical coverage 3)I want a plan with PPO network so i can easily find a doctor under insurance. I want a plan where hospital directly claims from the insurance company and not that I have to claim the reimbursements. Since insurance companies does not entertain the reimbursements much. So it should be good coverage,reasonable in price,flexible to change the dates without loosing money,good network and proper claim handling Can anyone throw some light on this, since am completly not aware about any kind of insurance company. Should I opt for Indian insurance company or USbased company.

2. Fixed coverage plans or limited coverage plans have sub-limits like the ones you mentioned in your question 1. Comprehensive coverage plans don't have such limitation. After the deductible, you pay 10% or 20% up to $5,000 (usually) and then it covers 100% up to the policy maximm. Please read /visitors-insurance/ to understand the differences in the detail. 1. Sure. Please look at any of the plans that are listed under 'comprehensive coverage plans' category at /visitor-insurance/ They are all like that. 3. Please look at /visitor-insurance/ All comprehensive coverage plans have a link called 'Provider Directory' next to it. And read the description before you click on 'Search Providers' to search the providers. It describes exactly what you are referring to. US vs. India question: It is definitely better to buy from US based company, rather than from India. Please read /visitors-insurance-usa-india-comparison/ And to specifically answer your questions regarding most plans from India: 1. For people age above 55, most of the plans have such sub-limits. 2. They are fixed coverage plans. 3. No PPO network. No direct billing. First call their office in New Delhi to get permission to go to Dr. First pay and file for reimbursement. I hope that answers all your questions. If you have any other questions, please feel free to contact us at any time. When I compared online in I found that Protection America and Patriot America both provide the same benefits. Infact Patriot America provides two three more benefits(natural disaster benefit and return of mortal remains). Patriot America has lesser premium amount too. When I went through your thread on Tips on visitors insurance, one name referred by you is Protection America. Why is it so? Is that Protection America provides a better customer service. If so can you guide or name which Insurance company provides better service or if you can recommend any specific company for comprehensive plan with the benefits and reasons. Both are from the same company and provides the same service. You must be reading some posts that are several years old. There used to a lot of differences between these two plans earlier. By the way, return of mortal remains are offered in both the plans. The major difference between those two plans is: Patriot America - you must buy minimum of 3 months (and pay 3 months upfront) in order to be able to renew in future. Protection America - you can purchase for any duration and still renew it. How long does it take to buy an insurance. I have selected Patriot America comprehensive plan for my mother. My mother is leaving India on Tuesday 30th March 09 and reaching USA on Wednesday noon. By what time should I buy an insurance. Are you working on Saturdays, if so till what hours. I am at Miami. Please reply. Am trying to reach you right now but somehow am not able to reach. Do you have your official mail ID where I can put a request. Insurance purchase is instant. As soon as you make a purchase, you get the email confirmation. You can download the documents from /myaccount/ You will also get them in the mail. Insurance can start as early as the next day or any future date you specify. Our working hours are from 8 AM to 9 PM, Monday to Saturday and somone is always available during those hours. Of course, I myself practically can't be available during all those hours, but you can talk with any one in our office. Of course, you can buy 24 x 7 from this web site.

Q:Doubts I will get to the States next July and I'm interesting in buying your insurance (WorldMed plan with optional Hazardous Activity Rider) but i red the policy and I have a doubt now... At the beginning of January I had an operation at my left foot (valgus big toe). Nothing serious and I have no problem now with my foot. Can it be considered a pree-existing condition that the insurance don't cover? Thank you for your attention. Patrizia

Yes, it will be considered as pre-existing condition. In this case doesn't the insurance cover only problems regarding or associated with my foot or any problem regarding my health? Thank you for your reply. Patrizia Insurance plan will cover any new medical conditions, injuries or accidents that occur after the effective date of the policy. It will not cover anything related to pre-existing conditions.

Q:70+ Health Option Clarification I apologize for posting this twise. I read most of the forum postings here and still have questions. my questions may be basic, but i am sure there are people just like me who want to clarify details: Regarding the application: 1. To clarify, if one chooses 'per cause' option, does that mean that each cause has its own maximum? Please clarify difference between 'all cause' and 'per person', these are rather identical. 2. 'Physical defects or infirmity' means genetical defects or defects as result of injuries? 3. Question 4d refers to immediate medical investigation or hospital treatment? I am assuming it doesn't mean just 'any' treatment or investigation, one cannot know that. Other: 1. Can outline the process of the application, including at what point one sees the physician? 2. Can one have the Bridge Plan and supplement it with another insurance plan such as the Inbound Immigrant Plan? Thank you for answering my questions.

Please look my answers to your questions at

Q:Why buy traveller medical insurance? I want to buy insurance for my parents visiting from India. From the research done so far: It seems that most of the claims are denied by insurance companies using "pre existing condition" rider. That leaves only accidents etc to be covered by these medical insurance policies where it is 100% clear that it was not a pre-existing condition. Comments / Suggestions?

It is not entriely true. Visitors insurance plans are meant to cover any new medical conditions, injuries or accidents that may occur after the effective date of the policy. It is not a blank check to pay for all your medical bills. They are not meant to cover any pre-existing conditions. It is certainly possible that a lot of people who may require medical attention may be due to pre-existing conditions and not covered. And most of the postings you see in the discussion boards and experiences section are the ones who are complaining about the claim not being paid, even if it was legitimately declined. Most people who are paid claims properly never bother to report and therefore, you never come to know about so many claims properly paid. However, that does not at all mean that visitors insurance plans are only meant for accidents. Insurance companies routinely pay for new medical conditions (sicknesses) as well. If a given company pays 5,000 claims correctly, and if one claim is legitimately declined, that one customer goes to 10 different web sites and posts everywhere and 10,000 people read about it and many of them think that this company is not paying claims. But many such readers are overlooking the fact that the same company paid 5,000 claims correctly. And even that one claim was legitimately declined. And even if that one claim was legitimate and had administrative delay or confusion or hassle for whatever reasons beyond one individual's or one company's control, that does not make the entire company bad. And of couse, in this paragraph, I am only talking about the plans that we offer, from US companies. I can't really comment on the insurance plans from foreign companies (outside US) that we don't represent. If you have any further questions, please feel free to post them here or contact us at any time.

Q:Clarification needed. During a visit over Christmas my mother fell and spent a few hours in the emergency room. She is 82 and has dementia. She thought she had insurance but had ticked the wrong boxes and had taken out insurance for Europe. Consequently she might as well not had any. The hospital called me for her address in the U.K. but due to privacy issues did not want to discuss anything. I doubt if they have even made contact with the insurance company as it was only three weeks ago. Is she solely responsible for the bills? Will the hospital hold us responsible if she is unable to pay? She certainly doesn't have funds to pay the bills in full anytime soon. I told the lady on the phone that my mother has dementia but she wasn't interested.

The first step would be to find out whether she had insurance or not. If so, did it provide the coverage in the US? Did she come here on visitors visa or visa waiver program? If on visitors visa, did you sponsor her visa? Did you sign any documents at the hospital assuming the responsbility of the bills? The insurance she had is no doubt invalid due the mistake she made on the application. She was here on vacation and had taken out holiday insurance. I provided my name and contact details at the hospital. I didn't sign to accept responsibility for payment. Plus, as I said, the hospital declined to discuss anything with me.

DISCLAIMER: Information presented in our Questions and Answers section is generic and was deemed to be accurate at the time of response. Please use the answers as a guide and do not make decisions based on the answers. The answers presented may be outdated and altogether inaccurate currently or not relevant as the details provided such as the insurance terms and conditions, plan benefits, eligibility and coverage may have changed. Insubuy assumes no responsibility for relying on such answers. You should review the latest certificate wording of the insurance policy (available on this website) for the product you are considering for the latest and complete details. If there is any conflict between the answers provided here and the certificate wording, the details of the certificate wording will prevail.

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Visiting USA?

Healthcare costs are very high in the U.S.

Buy U.S. based visitors insurance and enjoy your trip.

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Traveling abroad?

Did you know that your insurance may not cover you abroad or that it may only provide limited coverage?

Purchase travel medical insurance that includes emergency medical evacuation.

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New immigrant to USA?

You are not eligible to enroll in Medicare for the first 5 years.

Purchase new immigrant medical insurance to bridge the gap.

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Going on a vacation?

You could lose your non-refundable trip costs if you had to cancel your trip.

Buy a trip cancellation insurance package plan and be worry-free.

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Are you an exchange visitor to USA?

The U.S. Department of State requires all J visa holders to purchase compliant insurance.

Buy J visa medical insurance to meet your requirements.

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Traveling to Europe?

Schengen countries require most non-US citizens to purchase Schengen visa insurance.

Make an instant purchase online and get instant visa letter.

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Traveling frequently throughout the year?

You don't need to purchase travel insurance for every trip.

Purchase annual multi trip travel insurance for your travels.

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International student in the U.S.?

Most schools require international students to purchase health insurance.

Purchase international student health insurance that meets most school requirements.

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