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Ask Our Specialists

All questions are answered by U.S. based licensed and experienced insurance professionals.

Q:Need Insurance for *** and Family Below are the details Last time when my parents visited me, we had taken some insurance, don't remember the name, but most of our doctors visits rejected the insurance. Now that we are with kids, we need something that should not get rejected. I wanted to try ICICI Lombard but I guess you are the best source to guide for insurance. I tried your website and it asks for Citizenship, My son is US citizen, if that helps in any case.

It is definitely recommended that you purchase the insurance from the U.S. based company for wide acceptability and superior customer service. Please read /visitors-insurance-usa-india-comparison/ for more information. In your situation, Liaison Continent would be the most suitable plan, as one of your children have US citizen. It would cover all of you in the U.S. provided all of you live outside the U.S., temporarily visiting the U.S. and intend to go back outside the U.S. You can find all the information online at /safe-travels-usa-comprehensive-insurance/ You can also purchase it online right there. That is an excellent plan and I purchased the same plan when I visited India recently. If you have any other questions, please feel free to contact us at any time. I'm sorry I could not call you while in US. The two months went very fast, in fact I missed calling lot of other friends. so don't mind, and thank you for the insurance plans. We lived without worrying much about health and thankfully we didn't needed any doctor as there were no health issues with any of us. Next time we will take same plan and will definitely touch you. Thank you for getting back to me. I understand vacation time goes by very fast. I am glad that everything worked out good regarding the insurance. Please feel free to contact us at any time.

Q:Visitors Medical Insurance Updates How are you doing? I'm contacting you again this year to purchase visitors medical insurance. Previously based on information I had given you below - you had recommended Atlas America. Is that still a good plan to purchase? Any other suggestions? Now my Dad is 70 years old. He has Diabetes Mom is 62 years old. Not aware of pre-existing condition. I guess because of under-age-70 restriction, the pre-existing clause of Atlas may not work for Dad? In anycase, I'd like to know if I can purchase Atlas America for a few days (what is the minimum) and then extend further as I dont know their duration of stay yet? Can I renew and can I renew again further if needed?

Yes, Atlas America is a good option. It does not cover acute onset of pre-existing conditions for people of age 70 years and above. Yes, you can purchase it for a smaller duration and then renew it, up to a total of 364 days. You can purchase it online at /atlasamerica-insurance/ Thanks, I have a few questions on Atlas America: 1. What is the minimum number of days I need to purchase in order to be able to renew it again? (renewal before policy expires) 2. Can I renew more than once? No restriction on number of renewals other than total 364 days you wrote below, right? 3. How is the provider/hospital coverage in Bay Area (they will mostly be in Bay Area California during their visit, hence this question). 1. Five days 2. Any number of times. Total 364 days 3. Excellent Apparently, if someone is 70 yrs age, then the policy maximum is only a paltry $50,000. Is there any other insurance where I can get a better(higher) policy maximum than Atlas for 70 yrs age? Please let me know Atlas America offers $100,000 coverage for 70+ also. Alternatively, you can look at /patriot-america-platinum-insurance/ Thanks, can you send me URL for official actual wordings for Patriot Platinum. I would like to read that. Appreciate your help. You can find it at /patriot-america-platinum/travel-medical-insurance/ I know you suggested option of "Patriot Platinum" as an option for 100K coverage for 70 yrs age visitor insurance. I also see an option for "International Medical" or some such, which offers upto 200/250K coverage. However, I see the drawback that it is not renewable? Is that right? I am a bit wary of that since I have seen incidents where renewable was very beneficial. What is your take on this? Also the prices for 100K "Patriot Platinum" seem significantly more than 50K for Patriot America or Atlas America. So, I'm undecided on the decision between this. Seems like a tough choice for 70 yrs age for visitor insurance. Your help appreciated. “International Major Medical Insurance” offers more than $100K for 70+. However, it is not renewable, not refundable (in case of early departure) and there is no PPO network. If you are fine with that, you can certainly purchase that. It is available at /international-major-medical-insurance/ Yes, Patriot Platinum America is significantly more than $50K Patriot America/Atlas America. That is due to the age factor and the fact that most companies don’t offer more than $50K for 70+, as the risk is much higher. I hope this answers your questions. If you have any other questions, please feel free to contact us at any time. Bit of confusion - would appreciate your help. Question 1: Is the Provider network of Atlas America (FirstHealth/CMN) and Patriot (First Health) better than Liaison (ChoiceCare)? It appears so when I query up hospitals around zipcode: 95054 (santa clara) Has that been a generally known thing that Atlas and Patriot have better provider network than Liaison? Question 2: I am a bit concerned that Atlas would not pay for Ambulance unless it results in "inpatient" admission. Does inpatient mean "overnight at hospital"? Once my family member had a broken hand fracture falling from stairs and there was lot of bleeding, we had to take her to ER by ambulance-911 call. But after 5 hours, they were able to make some treatment and sent her home, and then follow-up visits next few days. Would 911-ambulance not be covered in this case? How much would roughly ambulance cost be if I have to pay ($1000-$2000?) Is Patriot America better than Atlas in this regard? Question 3: In any of these cases of Atlas, Patriot or Liaison, what happens if the hospital or doctor happens to be outside the PPO Network? Will they cover charges (even though the provider may not 'directly bill' if outside of PPO network)? 1. PPO network coverage varies for each plan in each area for each type of provider. Please look at /visitor-insurance/ Next to each plan, you will see the PPO network link, for the plans that participate in PPO network. 2. A. You are right. Atlas America will not pay for ambulance in that case. In Patriot America, if go to an ER and if you are not admitted into the hospital, there is extra $250 deductible per visit. B. Ambulance charges vary a lot. 3. You can out of network in all the plans. Please read /international-travel-insurance/ for further information. Thanks. Regarding the out of network in all the plans, I could not find what is the % difference in-network and out-network for Liaison? Patriot seems to be coinsurance 90% covered in-network and 80% out-network. Atlas 100% in-network and 80% out-network Can you send me that coinsurance information for Liaison? Thanks. 20% reduction in benefits unless there are no providers in 20 miles of where you live. I guess I am getting to the final selection phase. Thanks for your patience. You have been very helpful and this is why I have been buying insurance during last 12 years period! :) Thanks. Say, I like both Atlas America and Patriot America equally (for person age: 62 yrs, no major preexisting condition known so far) If this was you selecting for your parent, which would you choose between the two? I recognize I don't need to make the same selection as you would, but just asking for an opinion. If you prefer to call and leave me voicemail on this question instead of email, pls. call xxx-xxx-xxxx Thanks. 1. You are welcome. 2. Atlas America. If you have any other questions, please feel free to contact us at any time.

Q:Need claims help with ICICI Lombard travel insurance Hi, I had taken an insurance from for my parents few months back. Before that they had a insurance from ICICI Lombart and there was a claim. I would like to discuss with you few things and take your advise. Could you please let me know how can I reach you or an advisor. I truly appreciate any help from you or your team. I am in deep trouble by ICICI Lombard and need advise from someone who has in depth knowledge. I found your name in many websites/forums so thought of contacting you. I can be reached at xxx-xxx-xxxx anytime. Please let me know how can I reach you for a help. Thanks

Thank you for taking time to contact me and putting trust in us. We are glad to help all our customers who have purchased the insurance from us, from the companies we offer. However, we are unable to help someone who has purchased the insurance from an overseas company whom we don’t represent. We would be glad to help you but we don’t have any relationship with them and they won’t listen to us. In other words, we have no leverage with them. I recommend that you purchase the insurance from us the next time and we would be glad to help you choose the right one for your needs.

Q:Car Insurance question My cousin, whom you have met, is back in USA. He is now located in Ohio and try to settle down. He is renting a car for next few weeks and needs rental insurance until such time he buys his own car. What are his options for liability and collision insurance (other than buying from car rental company)? I am not sure if you offer that? You can respond by email or feel free to call him.

Thank you for the email. We currently do not offer car insurance

Q:Medical insurance for pregnancy Hello, excuse me!I am a pregnant woman currently living in Taiwan, I am going to live in the U.S. a year (May - in May next year), I expect to production children in the United States in August, I will need to purchase travel pregnant women production insurance. would you have related insurance services? Can provide relevant information to me? Thank you

There is no such insurance available. You will have to pay out of your pocket.

Q:Regarding Travel Insurance I live in Dallas and have heard lot about you through our friends and one of my friends referred you to take travel/medical insurance for my mother-in-law who is planning to visit us this Friday. I would like to talk to you regarding the plans. Please let me know you availability or you can reach me at xxx-xxx-xxxxj.

Thank you for your interest in purchasing insurance for your mother-in-law. Any one that answers the phone call is a licensed and experienced insurance agent. Therefore, please feel free to talk to anyone in our office. Please be assured that everyone in my office gives the same answers and no one is authorized to talk until I am confident that they can answer customers questions satisfactorily. We look forward to serve you.

DISCLAIMER: Information presented in our Questions and Answers section is generic and was deemed to be accurate at the time of response. Please use the answers as a guide and do not make decisions based on the answers. The answers presented may be outdated and altogether inaccurate currently or not relevant as the details provided such as the insurance terms and conditions, plan benefits, eligibility and coverage may have changed. Insubuy assumes no responsibility for relying on such answers. You should review the latest certificate wording of the insurance policy (available on this website) for the product you are considering for the latest and complete details. If there is any conflict between the answers provided here and the certificate wording, the details of the certificate wording will prevail.

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Visiting USA?

Healthcare costs are very high in the U.S.

Buy U.S. based visitors insurance and enjoy your trip.

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Traveling abroad?

Did you know that your insurance may not cover you abroad or that it may only provide limited coverage?

Purchase travel medical insurance that includes emergency medical evacuation.

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New immigrant to USA?

You are not eligible to enroll in Medicare for the first 5 years.

Purchase new immigrant medical insurance to bridge the gap.

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Going on a vacation?

You could lose your non-refundable trip costs if you had to cancel your trip.

Buy a trip cancellation insurance package plan and be worry-free.

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Are you an exchange visitor to USA?

The U.S. Department of State requires all J visa holders to purchase compliant insurance.

Buy J visa medical insurance to meet your requirements.

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Traveling to Europe?

Schengen countries require most non-US citizens to purchase Schengen visa insurance.

Make an instant purchase online and get instant visa letter.

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Traveling frequently throughout the year?

You don't need to purchase travel insurance for every trip.

Purchase annual multi trip travel insurance for your travels.

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International student in the U.S.?

Most schools require international students to purchase health insurance.

Purchase international student health insurance that meets most school requirements.

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