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All questions are answered by U.S. based licensed and experienced insurance professionals.

Q:Visitors health insurance for parents My parents are coming to US on May 28th and leaving for India on September 11th. They will live in my house in Chicago and might take trips to Seattle, Niagara Falls, DC, etc. Please recommend insurance plans for them. My dad will be 69 and turn 70 in Aug. He has had by pass surgery. Other than that, he is healthy. My mom will be 64 and she has diabetes and high blood pressure. Please give your suggested insurance and the reason you chose this particular insurance program. Would it be better to take insurance for them separately or together in one transaction. Thanks,

Thank you for your interest in purchasing visitors health insuracne for your parents. You can consider purchasing Atlas America plan, available at /atlasamerica-insurance/ It is a comprehensive coverage plan and it covers up to $15,000 in acute onset of pre-existing conditions for persons below the age of 70 years. It is better to buy two separate policies as you have more flexibility in terms of renewal, cancellation etc. The total premium is the same in either case. Please let me know if you have any other questions. I have decided to buy Atlas America from Insbuy like you had suggested. Do I have enter my address in US or my parents address in India for mailing address in application? They are coming to US this Friday and I am going to ask for Insurance card to be printed rather than mailed. Another other similar insurances on Insubuy, does Atlas provide any card for prescription drugs and do they offer any discounts? Thanks for your help. 1. You can put any address but we recommend that you put US address. 2. There is no discount card for prescription drugs in Atlas America. Howver, prescription drugs are covered in Atlas America anyway as a medical expense. Thanks for your quick response. I have couple of quick questions. My dad will turn 70 (Aug) in the middle of his insured period. From what I read on Insubuy and other posts by you, I will still pay the premium for 64-69 year old (which he is now when I applying). Is that right? * If we need to go to see doctor or hospital for any procedure after he turns 70, will he have any problem since he paid the premium for 69? * For $15,000 covered for acute onset of pre-existing condition, it says it covers for only less than 70. Will they not cover him if he has any onset after he turns 70? Thanks, 1. When you pay the premium, you pay according to the age group he is in at the time of the effective date. If he turns 70 in the middle of the duration for which you have already paid, it does not matter. However, if you would like to renew it after he has already turned 70, the rates according to 70 years will apply. 2. There is no problem in going to the doctor or hospital even after he turns 70, just because you have paid the premium for 69. 3. Once he turn 70, there is no coverage for acute onset of pre-existing conditions. I hope this answers your questions. You can purchase the insurance online at

Q:Travel Insurance for conference in Portugal I am planning to attend a conference that will be held in Portugal on August 21-28. I need a travel medical insurance certificate for Schengen visa application. Would you please inform me how much do I need to pay for buying insurance certificate for above mentioned period (August 21-28)? It would be appreciated if you clarify me this issue Thank you

You can buy Atlas International Insurance, available at /atlas-international-insurance/ You can find out the prices over there and also make an instant purchase right there. Around 15 minutes after you purchase, you can print the visa letter at /travel-and-student-insurance-visa-letter/ Please feel free to contact us at any time if you have any further questions.

Q:Travel insurance with a heart stroke Which short-term insurance will you recommend for a person (69 years) who had a heart stroke about 4 months ago - will this be classified as pre-existing condition? Thanks

That would definitely be considered as pre-existing condition. Look at Atlas America insurance at /atlasamerica-insurance/ In addition to the new medical conditions up to the selected policy maximum, it will cover up to $15,000 in acute onset of pre-existing conditions for person below the age of 70 years.

Q:Atlas America Hi, In 2007, I purchased Protection America insurance from this web site and was satisfied with how the claims were addressed. I am again looking for visitors insurance and Atlas America seems to the right choice for us. However, i've a couple of questions before i completely make up my mind. 1. Assume that i need Visitor Insurance for 6 months, but i want to renew it on a monthly basis and will maintain continuous coverage for 6 months. Given this, what would be the certification period (1 month or 6 months)? As Atlas America deductibles/co-insurance seems to reset for each certification period, i need to be clear on when they would reset if we go with monthly renewal option. 2. Assume that I will be taking Atlas America insurance for both my father-in-law and mother-in-law together and choose $500 as deductible. Is this deductible counted separately for each family member or for both of them together? Appreciate if you can clarify these. Thanks.

Thank you for your business in the past and we are glad that it worked out good for you. 1. It would be six months. 2. Deductible is per person. The policy maximum is also per person. You can purchase it online at /atlasamerica-insurance/ I hope that answers your questions. If you have further questions, please feel free to post them here or contact us at any time.

Q:Acute onset of pre-existing conditions coverage in Atlas America - Clarification It seems that there is some inaccurate information circulating on the internet regarding an acute onset of pre-existing conditions coverage in Atlas America for people below the age of 70 years. Therefore, the Vice President of Marketing at HCCMIS (the company that administers Atlas America plan) has provided the following clarification. We have posted it as it is for the benefit of the community. Incorrect Explanation as it appears on site: "Please keep in mind that in order for the Acute Onset of a pre-Existing Condition provision to take effect, the insured client must not have had any treatment for that pre-existing condition during the 2 years preceding the policy’s effective date, which is also known as the look-back period. If treatment has been had within the 2 years preceding the policy’s effective date, then there is no coverage for the Acute Onset of the Pre-Existing Condition. Otherwise, said provision applies at the coverage limit maximums described above." Correct explanation: If there are no signs, symptoms, ect. and medical advice has not been sought within the 2 years prior to the policies effective date, said condition would not be considered a pre existing condition and therefore would be covered to the policy maximum the same as any other illness. If a condition does exist -- signs, symptoms, medication, etc. and there is an unexpected outbreak or recurrence which occurs without advance warning, and treatment is obtained within 24 hours of outbreak, the following benefit would be in place: $15,000 Lifetime Maximum for Eligible Medical Expenses and up to $25,000 Lifetime for Emergency Medical Evacuation. An Acute Onset of a Pre-existing Condition is a sudden and unexpected outbreak or recurrence of a Pre-existing Condition which occurs spontaneously and without advance warning either in the form of Physician recommendations or symptoms. Treatment must be obtained within 24 hours of the sudden and unexpected outbreak or recurrence. Definition of Pre-ex: A Pre-existing Condition is any (1) condition for which medical advice, diagnosis, care, or treatment (includes receiving services and supplies, consultations, diagnostic tests or prescription medicines) was recommended or received during the 2 years immediately preceding the Certificate Effective Date; (2) condition that had manifested itself in such a manner that would have caused an ordinarily prudent person to seek medical advice, diagnosis, care, or treatment (includes receiving services and supplies, consultations, diagnostic tests or prescription medicines) within the 2 years immediately preceding the Certificate Effective Date; (3) injury, illness, sickness, disease, or other physical, medical, mental, or nervous conditions, disorder or ailment (whether known or unknown) that, with reasonable medical certainty, existed at the time of application or within the 2 years immediately preceding the Certificate Effective Date.

Hello, I purchased Atlas America and had a question on definition of pre-existing condition. As stated in the certificate wording, it seems that if a "condition" existed or was treated for within two years of certificate date, then it would only be covered as pre-existing. Does this then mean that even routine illnesses such as fever, cough (strep throats), bacterial infections, viral fevers etc will be treated as pre-existing if the visitors also get the same while in the US just because they also had a fever or strep throat within the past 2 years??? Specifically, there was an outbreak of Malaria in Mumbai recently and my dad was treated for the same around 6 months ago with a quick dose of antimalarial medication. If for any reason he gets malaria while in the US (since incubation time of the bacteria can be as long as 2 months), would it be covered as pre-existing condition and would its treatment be counted as "acute"? Thanks raj Each case is different and is decided on case by case basis based on the medical records and the attending physician report. However, in general, routine illnesses are not considered pre-exisiting conditions unless you already have them on the effective date of the policy. E.g., if you already have fever when you buy the insurance, it is pre-existing condition. Malaria is a different case. Since Malaria generally does not happen in the U.S. and as you correctly said that the incubation period can be few months, if the person gets Malaria soon after coming to the U.S., he must have been infected while in India itself and therefore it would be a pre-existing condition. And the above would be applicable in all the visitors insurance plans, not just Atlas America. I hope that answers your questions. If you have any additional questions, please feel free to post them here or contact us at any time. Thanks for the clarification. My concern was just that the certificate wording does not explicitly exclude routine illnesses, so was concerned that routine illnesses such as fever, cough etc should not be denied just because medication was taken for those within the last 2 years. Specifically about Malaria too, it is unfortunate that they will treat it as pre-existing, since one cannot really know that they have it unless they start getting the first symptom. My parent visiting just started to feel one of the symptoms (after 2 weeks of arriving) and that is why I wanted to clarify the best way to go about this. When traveling and when certificate was issued, parents were absolutely healthy so there was no symptoms etc. But, because of past malaria treatment 6 months ago and the prevalence in Mumbai - even the airport, he suspects maybe it is the same again. Thankfully he has brought enough supplies of all prescription medications. Even if it is treated as pre-existing condition, will a trip to urgent care center to have the doctor check it out and prescribe any other medication if needed - be covered as "acute" and covered under the $15k limit or will this just be totally denied. Thank you for your help! Raj 1. Routine illnesses are specifically not excluded. 2. That is because the exclusion is about the 'pre-existing conditions' and not about the 'pre-diagnosed conditions' nor about 'pre-known conditions'. 3. Again, for any specific question like this, it is not possible to give a general answer whether it would be covered or not, in advance. It can only be determined after the fact. In general, as long as it is an acute onset of pre-existing condition, and you take treatment, it would be covered up to $15,000 for persons under the age 70, in Atlas America.

Q:Atlas America vs kvroa insurance Please inform me which is better insurance. Atlas America Vs kvroa. kvroa covers pre-existing conditions upto $50,000. Below is the quote from kvroa Insurance Quote Provided for : Couple Age Group of Insured: 50-69 Years Old Coverage Start Date requested: 09/16/2010 Coverage Termination Date: 03/15/2011 Policy Maximum Chosen: $150,000 Deductible Chosen: $75 per Sickness Policy Riders (if any): Policy with Pre-existing Rider Pre-ex Deductible Choosen: $1,000 Deduductible Coverage Period (Months): 6 (15Days): 0 (Single Days): 1 Monthly premium : $390 Total Premium (including $5 Admin fee): $2371.13

Thank you for your interest in purchasing visitors insurance. As we don't offer the other plan you mentioned, we are not too familiar with it. Therefore, we can't really comment on it. However, I can certainly tell you about the Atlas plan. Atlas America covers up to $15,000 in acute onset of pre-existing conditions for persons below the age of 70 years. Atlas America is a comprehensive coverage plan. In other words, there are no individual sub-limits for each and every procedure. Please look at /visitors-insurance/ to understand the difference between fixed and comprehensive coverage plans. After the deductible, Altas America covers 100% up to policy maximum if you go in the PPO network and they bill directly. Otherwise, it is 80/20 for first $5,000 in medical expenses and 100% after that up to the policy maximum. No sub-limits for each procedure. Atlas America participates in First Health/PHCS/CMN PPO networks. There are a lot of providers in every part of the country. When you go there, they would generally bill the insurance company directly and also charge you the network negotiated fees. There is no extra premium to include an acute onset of pre-existing conditions. Also, there is no extra deductible for an acute onset of pre-existing conditions and the deductible choices are $0, $100, $250, $500, $1,000 and $2,500. And the deductible is only once, and not per every incident. I suggest that you take some examples and then calculate how much each plan would cover and decide accordingly which one may be the best one for you. You can find the details about Atlas America insurance at /atlasamerica-insurance/ I hope that answers your questions. If you have any further questions, please feel free to contact us at any time or post them here. Thank you for the detailed information, I see that Atlas is more comfortable. I wanted to open a new thread but I've found an answer here. Fusion, I am glad that you already found the answers to your question here. You can purchase Atlas America Insurance online at /atlasamerica-insurance/ If you have any other questions, please feel free to post them here or contact us at any time.

DISCLAIMER: Information presented in our Questions and Answers section is generic and was deemed to be accurate at the time of response. Please use the answers as a guide and do not make decisions based on the answers. The answers presented may be outdated and altogether inaccurate currently or not relevant as the details provided such as the insurance terms and conditions, plan benefits, eligibility and coverage may have changed. Insubuy assumes no responsibility for relying on such answers. You should review the latest certificate wording of the insurance policy (available on this website) for the product you are considering for the latest and complete details. If there is any conflict between the answers provided here and the certificate wording, the details of the certificate wording will prevail.

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